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Gala Rugby 2022 AGM Minutes

Date: 18:10:22

In Attendance:

S Headspeath, J Gray, S Paterson, M Aitchison, C Anderson, B Scott, D Brown, E Doyle, W Kirk, J Laing, T Turnbull, Ca McLaren, Co McLaren, H Scott, D Scott, B Noble, I Dalgleish,

R Robertson, D Taylor, M Bird, G Isaac, H Dods, P Dods, A Wayness, A Baillie


D Liddle, B Mitchell, S Black, PC Brown, G Low, G Keddie, M Gray, T Gray

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of last year’s AGM had been posted on the club’s website. Approval of the minutes was proposed by I Dalgleish and seconded by D Brown.

President’s Address:

G Isaac gave the following presentation

As last year, we had an EGM in June when last season was covered in detail, so I don’t intend to go over that again.

This AGM is later than normal as we have had a very busy period in organising the second Maroon’d Event. The day was again well supported and financially successful and this period has allowed us time to present full consolidated club accounts.

Since the EGM, the Club has appointed a new Operations Manager, Kim Shepherd, and I’m sure you will all make her feel very welcome, Kim is responsible for implementing procedures to enable the smooth running of the club in all non-rugby areas and so far, the change made have shown to be having a positive effect.

A new YDO, Peter McCartin, was appointed and we look forward to the continuing success of our junior teams. We currently have a good relationship with local schools, and this can only have a positive effect on the club as we continue our policy of bringing on local talent wherever possible. I would like to put on record our thanks to Craig Dods for his work carried out and who has taken up a new post with the SRU as a kicking coach.

This brings me on to the integration of all teams under the one Umbrella of Gala Rugby.

There is still some way to go to ensure all parts of the club are fully integrated, but we continue to move forward on this front.

There has been a change on the Executive board of Trustees running the club with Ben Johnston stepping down and Tot Liddle being appointed in his place and some of the current trustees up for re-appointment tonight.

Some Changes around the club is that we have carried out a full upgrade of the home changing room incorporating a new physio room and at this point I would like to thank our Men’s shed for their continued help in the maintenance around the club. We have also upgraded the back pitch parallel to the main pitch and installed floodlighting to enable training and evening matches to be played on it.

I would now like to hand over to Andrew Wayness who will give us a report on the last year’s finances.


A Wayness presented his DRAFT report of the season 2021-22.

This report is based on the Draft Accounts which he had Consolidated together for Gala Rugby SCIO and Netherdale Developments Limited in order to provide a true comparison against last year ‘s accounts. (All the amounts referred to will be the Consolidated figures)

This year showed Gala Rugby made a Deficit for the year of £27k (2021 - £7k profit) before depreciation.

This was the first year of All the Gala Rugby Clubs operating as one together with still the effect the impact of COVID pandemic having on the Club – Cancelled games and events and closed down in December 2021 and into the New Year:

The main factors in the poor trading results were the purchase of team kit etc for all the Clubs as one-off cost – being almost £40k for the year – this is greatly reduced for this season. The other main cost was the running of The Marooned Event for the first time which amounted to £33k. Some of the grants related to these costs so that is why it was such a large expense.

AW ran through the income and expenditure account and highlighted significant points:



1. Subscription income increased by £5k from the 2021. This was due to all the member and players across all age groups contributing. The membership is vital to the overall success of the Club. Please help in asking people to join the Club. The membership age levels are continually increasing. We need younger people to join the Club for the club to continue.

2. Donations and rents amounted to £12k. Donations were kindly received from members of £2.5k. Other donations were received from various other parties including the Cash for Kids £7k and through Peter C Brown’s Foundation Scotland £2.50k.

3. Gala Rugby received £21k from main sponsors which was a large increase from 2021 coming out of to the Covid-19 situation. Many thanks to these loyal sponsors.

4. Sundry income amounted to £118k includes – (see detailed schedule). This included contributions from SRU of £44k (2021 - £33k) in connection with Championship funding and incentives to improve and develop the game and loss of income due to Covid-19 cancellations.

5. COVID-19 Government support was provided during the year amounting to £11,450 from SBC and HMRC for the Furlough Scheme totalling £3,904.

6. Gate income of £13,514 included all the home games in the season – largest gate was the last game of the year against Heriots of £2,812. There was no Boxing Day game as this was cancelled.



These showed an increase from 2021 of £22k to £32k. These included all bus hires which is a major concern of £11k and travel expenses for certain players to make training nights and all players food which totalled £10k.


This was for the cost of Coaches, Physio’s etc. This was similar to 2021. This was the gross costs for the year.


This amounted to £8k which showed an increase of £1.5k from 2021. This was for the Club’s policy and cover through the SRU scheme for the players. This is still a large expense to the Charity but premiums have reduced by changing the policy that specialises in Charities. The surveyors are very onerous on the Club and careful monitoring and training of the Trustees, Committees and other volunteers is essential nowadays to limit liability claims. The Policy for 2021-22 will increase too due to rising building costs and the general risks involved in a Club


These have shown an increase of £4k to £26k.

Fieldwork amounted to £14k. This is the cost of maintaining the terraces and embankments throughout the year. The actual costs for the pitch maintenance amounted to £7k pitch and irrigation repairs. This is a large cost which needs to be reviewed by the Club.

General repairs amounted to £10k. This included electrical, plumbing, painting and various property repairs during the season. There was also a large repair to upgrade the corridor lighting and work on the perimeter fencing.

Leasing charges totalled £2k for the lease of the photocopier.


Team equipment amounted to £39k. This included all Gala teams’ jerseys, tops etc together with other special kit. First aid costs were £2k. This included the cost of purchasing first aid materials, and the odd physio costs to various players during the year.


Heat and light amounted £9k which was large decrease from 2021. This was for all electricity charges and included heating, floodlights and running the office on a part-time basis i.e., use of the office computers and photocopier. Club closed in 2020-21 so that is why there is a large increase. We renewed contacts in January 2022 so are fixed for 3 years which was very fortunate but still with increased tariffs. We need to make sure that these costs are monitored.

7. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES – £115k showed an increase from 2021 of £41k (as detailed within the accounts – Sundries).


The Bar was able to re-open again but there were still restrictions in place due to Covid. Turnover was £64k. Wages increased due in wage rises to retain staff which is now very difficult to get staff at weekends etc. The Brewers are increasing prices dramatically their margins are reducing.

However, the bar contributed a good profit for the year so must be developed and increased as much as possible.


As per detailed in the Accounts – proved a great success for the first Event help.

Looking to develop this for the future – need to look at costs and entry fees for 2023.


The bank position has reduced from 2021 year due to the Loss and Loan repayments.

The bank position at the yearend was in a is reasonable strong position with £119k in funds from all account

We have repaid £4k for the BB Loan for COVID-19 support of £48k repayable over 10 years.

We have repaid £4k to EST loan.

This year’s results have been expected given the circumstances of the Global COVID-19 pandemic.

Now that we are a Charity then there are far more responsibilities to trade at least at breakeven level or make a profit each year to cover the bad years and maintain the property and facilities for all of the Community to use and benefit from. Through very careful monitoring of costs and budgets this can be achieved but it is going to be hard long road ahead.

The budgets for 2022-23 have been set to try and produce a small profit for the current season to cover £4k EST Loan repayments and the BB Loan repayments of £5k. This is the financial target to aim for in these changing and difficult economic times. Ongoing COVID disruption to events and functions. And Energy costs rising etc will have an impact on the results.

For Gala Rugby to go forward and achieve this aim it must generate sufficient financial resources from its members, sponsors and the general public to enable it to build upon and strengthen its present financial state.

It is vitally important to now run Gala Rugby as efficiently as possible, so the Club can be in a stable financial position going forward. It must trade profitably from this year onwards otherwise it will run out of cash reserves and cease to exist as a Charity.

We just have to look at the professional teams in England – now gone Wasp and Worcester. Paying players is not possible in these current economic times. It will be a challenge over the next few years to see what happens.

Question re Accounts

B Scott asked who had responsibility for sponsorship. She was informed that Kim Shepherd was the point of contact but that John Laing would be leading on the club’s sponsorship activities.

I Dalgleish informed the meeting that loan repayments to the Energy Saving Trust for solar panels will end at the end of the year.

Re-appointment of current trustees

Trustees standing for re-election were A Wayness, D Brown, I Dalgleish, H Hunter, M Bird, D Taylor, D Baillie, B Noble, E Doyle, J Gray

The above were nominated for re-election by and their nominations were seconded by.

Appointment of new Trustee

J Laing was nominated as a new trustee by D Taylor and the nomination was seconded by A Baillie.

Election of Club Accounts Independent Examiner

Gall Robinson were put forward as the club’s accounts independent examiner,

Proposer D Taylor Seconder J Gray

Any Other Competent Business:

B Scott questioned why Gala YM were not under the umbrella of Gala Rugby. G Isaac informed the meeting that there was ongoing dialogue with the YM. J Gray added that this was a long standing issue and T Turnbull suggested that that the YM owned property in the town this could be an issue for them.

W Kirk commented on the reduced crowds at home games and there was agreement that there should be more effort to publicise games, not just on social media, possibly with posters in town.( the introduction of the newsletter was warmly welcomed)

Co McLaren queried if it would be possible to play the various age grade teams at different times to enable more people to watch our teams. G Isaac pointed out that we supported this however ko times are dictated at the beginning of the season by the SRU and that any change needed to have the agreement of both the opposition club and the SRU.

Presidents Closing Address & Thanks for Attending

G Isaac thanked members for attending, adding that we were all looking forward to a good season.

Download the Minutes below:

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